Thursday, September 5, 2013

WK02 Rock, Paper, Scissors Concept Phase

These 10 small thumbnails are the different ideas I was able to come up with. They all have to be pleasing to the person looking at them. Some of these don't have a nice flow of visual elements which is not what we're looking for. #6 is, in my opinion, the best one because of the lay out. I feel the use of negative space and how easily the eyes flow through the drawing just seems one of the better options. There would be three pictures one has to contain the rock paper scissors all together in a similar triangle shape like the image.

These are just some simple ideas on what I should use for my images. I was thinking of having colored images would be the best way to catch someone's attention. I might not use the "rock, paper, scissors, lizard, Spock" but I was thinking of maybe showing a variation or maybe even just focusing on this type of game. There are some other images I can use that will explain the game in a simple but humorous way. I don't like the hand one because it just seems boring, I might change my mind but I might decide to take a humorous approach to it.


  1. The number six thumbnail you use is really awesome! It is an incredibly creative way to make an instruction card, and it would easily get someone interested in playing the game. Don't copy my pictures though! Just kidding, but overall great thumbnails and pictures.

  2. I really liked the creativity in every single thumbnail, the different shapes and frames are the ones that pull our attention to the paper. A triangle as the center frame is really awesome and creative, just repeating what everyone will say thumbnail #6 is the best.

  3. I really really like the layout of your blog. It's nice to look at yet easy on the eyes. It allows viewers to want to stay on your blog and get involved. I also really like thumbnail number six!

  4. I like how your thumbnails are all quite different from each other and aren't really similar to other people's also.

  5. Vinny Destefano- i really like the number 9 its kinda like it breaking up the rules from the intro with that slash

  6. Thumbnail #6 and #9 are great images. Using the triangular shapes orients the page in an interesting way that will for sure grab the users attention. Using graphic images that match in color or are animated/ realistic will really help to tie in your page. You're on a great start to your final project!

  7. Each of your thumbnails was unique and gave you lots of options to pull from. I like the 6th thumbnail, which is something i wanted to do but couldn't figure out how organize with on a portrait piece of paper.

  8. I like that you added the extra 2 hand signs but it does kind of add a further confusing element.

  9. I really liked who you used the triangle to show the game more. You might what to use arrows to show what beats what. go with layout 6 and get better pictures.
