Tuesday, October 1, 2013

WK 05 Intro Final Phase

I added all the things I wanted to add from my previous phase. I could improve the animations a bit and add some more things but I feel that the game cam be shown rather well. 


  1. I like how the water shows the reflection of the the title of the game and how they move in sync, I also like your funky rainbow.

  2. well this certainly has a very fantasy/lightheartness look to it in relation to the title (which kind of counters it)., I like the attention to color and the use of glowing stars. and the reflection effect on the water is something I have not seen on any other post. Very cool.

  3. very nice psychedelic title screen. the colors and compositions are great, the animations can be refined some more. the title pops at its loop point and the star should slow down the blinking. theres alot to look at and absorb so slow down the animations to let us look at the eye candy.
